Upcoming Live PD:

EdCamp Lake County
December 9th, 2017, Carmel Catholic High School, Mundelein, IL 60060
Free (Register on Website)
This day of professional learning is created by educators for educators. Teach, learn, and dialogue about issues, experiences, and innovations in education, in sessions that are conversations, not presentations.

EdCamp Chicago
October 14, 2017, Marian Catholic High School, Chicago Heights, IL
This day of professional learning is created by educators for educators. Teach, learn, and dialogue about issues, experiences, and innovations in education, in sessions that are conversations, not presentations.

D70 i3 Conference
October 14, 2017, Highland Middle School, Libertyville, IL
Conference attendees will learn from educational innovators and technology integrators how to incorporate techniques and strategies for teaching and learning. By integrating technology across the curriculum, attendees will positively influence the learning experience of students in our surrounding areas.


ParticipateWednesday 9/20, and then Tuesdays 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 from 8:00 - 8:30 pm CSTFree
1/2 hour sessions to learn about the features of Participate.  Sessions will be archived for future reference.

Self-directed PD:

SeeSaw Padlet:  Grade-level resources, lesson ideas, and how-to's all in one convenient spot!

SeeSaw Courses: Take a course and learn about using SeeSaw for your grade level!

#innovate28 Ed Tech list: Explore tech resources based on your goals and view how-to guides.

Teachers Talking Tech Podcast: Learn on your commute!  Mike and Eric, 2nd grade teachers, talk about technology in the elementary classroom.  Each episode is around 10 minutes so that you can get some ideas and insight quickly and in a fun way. Topics include SeeSaw, Breakout EDU, flexible seating, #booksnaps, makerspace, and more.

Participate Twitter Chats: Explore, join, and read recaps of twitter chats on any topic in education.

Summer PD Padlets:  Review/recap learning and notes from our Summer PD sessions.
