3 Big Takeaways from Model Classroom by Lance, Deborah, and Mindi
1. Co-planning is powerful. The model classroom experience is the most beneficial training I undergo each year. The co-planning, collaboration, and immersion into another classroom at this intensity level is definitely worthy of being out of my classroom. I learn so much from discussing student work and student thinking with other teachers, and then interpreting what instruction needs to occur next as a team. Co-planning the next lesson and watching it unfold together is powerful and reshapes my teaching again and again. -Deborah 2. Meet your students where they're at right now. The learning that comes from participating in a model classroom lab is beyond compare. Being in a classroom full of students, carefully observing some aspect of learning, and then talking with colleagues about next steps is powerful. I learn more from these collegial conversations than I ever learned at a conference or in a graduate class. I have a tendency to get on “the curriculum t...